Laziness or licks?

Satiricus’s jaw had dropped. What the heck was this? He liked Obama as much as any person-of-colour in Guyana, but ADJOURN PARLIAMENT FOR PARLIAMENTARIANS TO LOOK AT THE LAST OBAMA-ROMNEY DEBATE?!!!??? What had Guyana come to? The opposition had insisted on a two-and-a-half month holiday (with full pay!) and this was their first day back. Yet they deferred several bills, including the one they’d made so much noise about – the President Benefits and Other facilities Bill – to traipse home?
“Ha!” snorted Cappo, “But notice dem eat de Gy$ 1.7 million worth a food befo’ deh run home! Dem nothin’ but a bunch a lazy good fuh nothing!”
“Nah all who guh a church house, ah guh fuh pray,” snickered Kuldeep. “You think the opposition go to Parliament except to relax in air condition?”
“But why the government MPs didn’t object?” asked Hari querulously. “Is a real disgrace that these fellas don’t take the nation business serious!”
“Budday, all cassava get same skin but all nah taste de same!” exclaimed Suresh.
“The government MPs object but the opposition control the Parliament, you know! One- seat majority in action!”
“Plus the Speaker is the first one who wanted to listen to the U. S. debate,” noted Teacher Samad. “He’s always carrying on as how he got training over there.”
“But these people got no shame?” asked Kuldeep in disgust.
“Don’t they feel guilty that they only show up 28 times in the first seven months and now they can’t stay for a full day?”
“Freeness Budday!” exclaimed Cappo. “Freeness!”
“A wonder when deh drivin’ home in deh duty-free car with AC on, what deh thinking about?” said Bungi in a puzzled voice.
“But you know something?” inquired Suresh quietly. “Maybe it’s not just the laziness. The opposition was getting licks like peas before they decide to go home. It could be they couldn’t take it no more!”
“Yes, bai! Sam was givin’ dem good!” said Cappo with a wide smile. “Sam a wan quiet man, but doan get he mad!”
“Damn right!” yelled Bungi uncharacteristically. “Me daughter bin trap in she bus jus’ befo’ Agricola! She still cyaan guh back to school. She too frighten it gon happen again.”
“Sam made Ram Jhaat Tan and Naga Man sing like Shaggy: “Wasn’t me”!” said Hari just as angrily.
“Well, I remember Naga Man sit down with NoGel Huge and giving the government 48- hour ultimatum!”
“And wasn’t it the KFC man Bench Cack running with a baby trying to stir up the mob?” asked Suresh.
“Is all a dem stir the pot in Agricola,” agreed Cappo. “Nah one time a fire mek peas boil. And de peas bin really boil dat night in Agricola.”
“And the Agricola mess wasn’t the only thing the opposition get lash to make them run for over,” pointed out Teacher Samad.
“They looked stupid when they couldn’t stop Rohee from presenting his bill in Parliament!”
“Even de Trot Man had fuh accept dat the opposition doan know deh ass from deh elbow!” Chuckled Cappo, as the table clinked bottles all round.
It was licks and laziness that made the opposition run home, thought Satiricus.

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